divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2012

My dreams...

I have  loads of dreams... some are about my future, some are short-term, and others are only things I would like to do.

I think that my biggest dream is a little daring, but I'm sure that I'll get it if I work hard, I just have to study and look for the chance, once I'll see it, hold it and never let it go: I would like to become a building dsigner. yes, that's an architect, but my objective is to desing amazing buildings and beat all the challenges of phisic laws.

Something more achievable is to improve  lot in my sailing skills with 420. this year I've just started to race with a different boat class and it's quite difficult. I dont't think that i'll have any problem to improve, (bcause I'm still having a low level) but at the end of this year I would like to rach and win my opponents. :)


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